est. 1999

Industry Standard Tech

For the presentation and design of our products, we aim to use the most stable up-to-date solutions available. This means CSS 2.1 with stable CSS 3 modules and appropriate fallbacks for older or non-compliant browsers. For markup we use valid XHTML 1.1 or HTML 5, again, balancing feature adoption and stability against the advantages of the latest specifications for the project at hand.

The separation of content from design that (X)HTML and CSS provides allows us to serve mobile devices with optimized small-screen designs. Smart utilization of CSS media queries and responsive design means neither content nor markup needs to be duplicated or repurposed for mobile use; the same site will simply be seen in a design tailored to the user's viewing environment to as great an extent as possible.

JavaScript is used as necessary to enhance the user experience with dynamic content presentation and on-page interaction, whether it be AJAX or Flash-independent slideshows and carousels. We standardize and speed up JavaScript development by leveraging the jQuery library and select plug-ins, as well as prior in-house development. JavaScript is the last step of progressive enhancement, meaning visitors with no or limited JavaScript use (including many mobile users and search-engines) are still able to access and navigate the website.